Monday, February 7, 2011

how many days will it rain?

So, you know me, I must only write about the positive things, because that will make me happy! But I have been having some crappy days...but then I start writing in my sketchbook and I realize that nothing is that bad. I have realized that I have way less money than I thought, and despite looking through my bank statements for like half an hour, I still can't figure out what I spent it on. I guess the feeling of not worrying about money is nice, and that feeling made me spend money. Oops. I'm still determined to go to NYC though, and I will, even if I'm broke. Thank god for net working! and couch surfing! and for peanut butter and jelly bagels! Because if it weren't for those things I imagine it would be very hard to travel. 
I was featured on another blog the other day for being fashionable! Right in the middle of the rain, when I was yelling at my dogs, and fighting with Fabio; amazing. The picture turned out amazing too, because I think it shows how I want to be positive, even when all these chaotic things are going on around me. It's on which is the most adorable awesome thing I've seen lately. This lady (_____ Lord) that lives near me and her friend (_____ Maxwell) have this blog where they pretend that they are a British Fashion Anthropologist and take pictures of awesome people in awesome outfits. If you read this Lord Maxwell I am honored to be a part of your collection of interesting people in interesting outfits. I also thank you because it has inspired me to get back into this blogging thing, because logging and blogging, and recording and all that stuff is important- because it just is- and I need to keep doing it. Why is it so satisfying writing shit on a blog? 

1 comment:

  1. You can fly to NYC anytime you want to for free. You have pass benefits and can fly right out of Columbia. Day trip it, see Letterman for free. You have the benefits up till when you graduate. Do it! You can easily get there during the week and come back same day. Just check weather first. It is windy alot in NYC which causes flight problems.
